[01] Do you have the guts to answer these questions and re-post as The Controversial Survey? My views are different from most people's so it's nothing I haven't dealt with.
[02] Would you do meth if it was legal? No. I'm not into drugs personally. I find it ridiculous, I don't think they'd do anything for me. I don't need nor want them. If I really wanna be in a simliar state as drugs, I just needa be really really tired. I basically act like a drunk/high/overdosed person.
[03] Abortion: for or against it? I am for abortion, as in it being legal for women to have an abortion if they so choose. It's gonna happen no matter what, might as well have it safe and controlled versus an increase profit for clothes hangers. It's their own body and therefore their own choice. If you choose to have an abortion, if you choose not to, whatever: It's your choice. But on a diff view, I really don't think an unwanted child should be born. Adoption centers are overcrowded, there isn't enough of a demand in adopting children for mothers to be able to put their unwanted children up for adoption with a hopeful future for those children. It just seems really sad to bring a child into the world who is unwanted. I also think there are too many people in the world so adding more, esp unwanted ones, seems ridiculous.
[04] Do you think the world would fail with a female president? I think it depends on the person themself, not on their gender... so no.
[05] Do you believe in the death penalty? I'm against the death penalty. If we're going morally, it just seems barbaric to me to KILL someone, even if they killed others. For a system that's supposed to be above emotions, it'd seem to make more sense to be a good example as in not kill others and instead just prevent certain liberties. If we're going logically, the death penalty was supposed to deter murder. It doesn't deter nor encourage murder. It also costs more to kill someone versus to keep them alive in prison for life. Doesn't seem like a system that works too well to keep it going to me.
[06] Do you wish marijuana would be legalized already? It's not a huge priority but I agree with the legalization of the MJ. Cigarettes are more harmful and are more addicting than marijuana. I think the only thing legalization will do is create more ppl that are stinky(smoke smell) but nothing too bad for me.
[07] Are you for or against premarital sex? I think being able to look into each other's eyes is just as important as conversation. I think sex is also an important part of a relationship. I don't think sex should be excluded for after marriage. Most couples get married sooner because of the lack sex and therefore most of the time fail because they didn't get to learn about each other as much as they should have.
[08] Do you believe in God? No.
[09] Do you think same sex marriage should be legalized? I can not choose who I fall in love with. If I fall in love with an asshole, I'm allowed to marry an asshole. If I can marry an asshole who happens to be male, why not equal treatment if they happen to be female? For me, marriage shows a commitment between two people who will love and support each other the rest of their lives. I don't think straight people are the ONLY ppl that can love and support someone the rest of their lives.
[10] Do you think it's wrong that so many Hispanics are illegally moving to the USA? I'm not upset that they're Hispanic. I'm upset with the whole illegal part, but I also agree that it should be easier to be able to come legally into the country.
[11] A twelve year old girl has a baby, should she keep it? I say it's the twelve year old girl's choice. I would personally think she shouldn't because what kinda fucked up situation is that forcing a newborn into? How immature to do such a thing. But it all depends on the situation.
[12] Should the alcohol age be lowered to eighteen? I agree it should be lowered but I understand it comes at a cost. If we start lowering the age, it WILL cause problems but in the long run it should be fine. I find it odd that a person can die for their country before they can drink legally.
[13] Should the war in Iraq be called off? Too late for that now, we can't just pack up and leave. That's just irresponsible. If you run into a house, should you just leave? No, take care of the mess you caused.
[14] Assisted suicide is illegal: do you agree? This is a topic I don't know much about so my opinion doesn't matter too much on it. However I understand how there are people with illnesses that make their suffer severly. I would, yet again, say it's a matter of choice... but I still find it an iffy topic.
[15] Do you believe in spanking your children? No. I do not need physical attacks to keep my class behaved. My parents didn't need to use physical force to keep my brother and I in behaved. I find other methods affective, why would I need to result to spanking? Other methods take more work, agreed, but I think it's more affective in the long run.
[16] Would you burn an American flag for a million dollars? Eh, whatever, it's just a piece of cloth. Looking at the flag is not what represents America to me. It's my experiences and my views that I see as a representation of America. I understand others would be offended but it's all about intention.
[17] Who do you think would make a better president? McCain or Obama? I'm not into either really. But I AM scared of Palin... so I'd have to go with the Obama party.
[18] Are you afraid others will judge you from reading some of your answers? I think incest shouldn't be illegal, I think prostitution is not a sin, I think it's wrong to kill bugs just because they're bugs, I'm used to having views that do not fit most people's views so I don't really care.