Thursday, May 29, 2008

I just decided that I'm going to Malaysia next week. See you there!

Monday, May 26, 2008

Kitten Meow

We had a lil' visitor at KL. She has two names, Miley Cyrus and Zeratul. She lived in my bathroom for a day. She meowed all the time, so much that we got used to the meowing. It was sad cuz she always hissed at me when I wanted to go potty. Yep, she didn't really like anyone much. She's gone now.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Leah graduated! She starts working at a preschool May 30th but no worries, she'll probably look for something else. Just wanted to start with SOMETHING besides the restaurant industry.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Bright Modern Art

Kai and I live together (aka KL Austin) and it had been my assignment to find some light fixture for the living room (some Austin apartments do not have a main light in the living room and so you have to plug one in). My vision was a light from the ceiling, since that'd provide the most light.
So what I did was I bought a lightbulb, electric line, and extension cord. But with this design, it was basically a lightbulb hanging from the ceiling. The only problem was that I bought a lightbulb that was huge aka TOO BRIGHT. To give it a classier look as well as to dim the light a little I used a paper bag as a lamp shade. Kai liked the end result better with the new lampshade because it looked definitely hand made. I personally thought the paper bag had a modern edge to it. I was proud of my new light fixture. But it was STILL too bright.
My solution? I decided to add some asian flavor, which would also add even MORE modern edge. So now the paper bag has chinese written all over it. WHEE! I know I have inspired you to have a paper bag hanging from your ceiling. Yes, you can be awesome too. o(^.^)o