I went to Houston this past wkend. Once I came back, everything went bad.
I got a message yesterday from my ex telling me to watch out.
-Someone wanted to blackmail me with something from my computer(webcam pics) and that my roommate was going to steal the info that was gonna be the source of blackmail.
-My roommate was gonna break the lease since I was a slut and I lose the checks he'd give me(aka irresponsible).
So I decide I needed to talk to my roommate about it. He and I have different schedules, he wakes up early and sleeps early, I wake up late and sleep late. So I left a message on the door, "Tell me when you're available to talk." I woke up and he replied, "Yea, we need to don't we."
...This has a hint of sarcastic bitchiness but I ignored it. But obviously we weren't gonna talk that night...
So I went to work. During my shift I recieve a text message, "I am home now if you
want to come talk but after 9 I would rather not. So it is all up to you." I reply, "I'm at work til 9:30." His reply, "Sounds like a personal problem. Guess it is not happening tonight then." Obviously a reply like that means he's mad. So I reply, "Do you have a problem with me? What did I do?" No response. The whole time at work I was feeling queezy. I hate the feeling that someone is mad at me or hates me. Esp since I don't know why.
I get home from work and he's there with his brother. Okay, we won't talk tonight, that's fine. I don't want to talk when ppl are around. After my shower, the brother is gone. I ask my roommate, "Are you mad at me?" *roomie walks away* "Andrew, did I make you mad?"
"You think it's more important for me to pay you the rent vs paying my loan sharks."
"...you never told me about this, how can you be mad at me for me not knowing?"
"Yeah, I know."
Last wk, I had told him that I wanted him to start paying the bills by the 1st of the month from now on. He has NEVER paid me rent on time and it's a bit unfair to me to pay 2 ppls rent ON TIME when he can delay 2 wks. I esp think it's unfair since I make less money than him. The only reason why it became an issue to me was because I had paid all the rent for Nov. He said he's take care of Dec. He didn't. He couldn't. He asked me to take care of it. BTW, he had just bought a Nintendo Wii($250) along with games($50/each). (I believe he also bought an XBOX360 for his brother but I could be wrong so I'll let that slide) So I thought it was a bit lame to not be able to pay for rent which costs the same as the system with games. So that's why I talked to him about paying rent on time. But when he told me about the loan sharks, I shoulda asked him why he bought a game system... I SHOULDA! But oh well... I was more confused at the time than witty. But seriously, if I knew, I woulda understood. I would of given him all the time he needed.
...he's also mad at me because I "lose" checks he gives me. He mentioned he had to rewrite 2 of them. Which I explained to him, the first one he wrote wrong, and second one I did lose but I found it the same day and gave it to him to tear up. He is also mad cuz I don't turn the checks in right away. I have and have had a really busy schedule. I have to give them to my mother to take care of them. "Why not put it in your purse then?" ...I don't USE purses.... which I explained.
I also heard he'd been calling me a slut, "Do you think I'm a slut?" "Yes, but I don't talk about it. It's because you have guys come over." I have guy friends... they come over to visit. I have friends that are GUYS... so this makes me a slut? Even if they were to sleep over, I have 2 beds, they do NOT sleep in the same bed as me. I've only dated one guy and he hasn't even been over. Though in all seriousness, the only guy friends I can think of that have come over, other than Kai, have been 4 others.
He's also mad because I always have to be right all the time. As if I'm opinionated. "What? When was this." His example was for his cat. I claimed it had sprayed the closet cuz I cleaned up after it. I told him he needs to get his cats balls removed because it has been meowing the horny call. He claimed the smell or spill I cleaned up was spoiled cat food. Either way, I asked him to take care of this because he had just bought a Nintendo Wii and if you can buy that, you can pay for the cats balls being cut off. Either way, if you say something and I disagree and have evidence to back it up, it's not that I'm opinionated, I'm just defending myself when I feel I'm being wrongly accused. Everyone does that. Even he does.
I told him I'd let him sleep... throughout the whole thing he kept talking about how he was tired because he didn't get home til a certain time. But I told him that he seriously needs to talk to me when there's a problem. If he has a problem with me, tell me and I'll try to solve or fix it. I'm the type of person that like to solve the conflict when it occurs.
I hope this resolves better in the morning. I cried to a friend for the very first time today... I just couldn't understand why he was mad at me for any of this. He's mainly mad about the paying rent on time thing. I'm trying to figure where am I to blame for this. I really don't understand.
He alerted me that he's gonna break the lease and move out in Feb.